Source code for pymetawear.modules.temperature

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Temperature module

Created by hbldh <> on 2016-04-14


from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import warnings
import logging

from pymetawear import libmetawear
from pymetawear.modules.base import PyMetaWearModule, data_handler

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    -1: 'Invalid',
    0: 'On-Die',
    1: 'External',
    2: 'BMP280',
    3: 'On-Board'
    0: 'On-Die',
    1: 'On-Board',
    2: 'External',
    3: 'BMP280'
    0: 'On-Die',
    1: 'External',

[docs]class TemperatureModule(PyMetaWearModule): """MetaWear Temperature module implementation. :param ctypes.c_long board: The MetaWear board pointer value. :param bool debug: If ``True``, module prints out debug information. """ def __init__(self, board): super(TemperatureModule, self).__init__(board) self._active_channel = 0 self.n_channels = int( libmetawear.mbl_mw_multi_chnl_temp_get_num_channels(self.board)) self.channels = {} if self.n_channels == 4: self._channel_source_mapping = _CHANNEL_ID_TO_SOURCE_NAME_4 elif self.n_channels == 2: self._channel_source_mapping = _CHANNEL_ID_TO_SOURCE_NAME_2 else: self._channel_source_mapping = _CHANNEL_ID_TO_SOURCE_NAME self._reverse_channel_source_mapping = { v: k for k, v in self._channel_source_mapping.items()} for i in range(self.n_channels): source_enum = libmetawear.mbl_mw_multi_chnl_temp_get_source( self.board, i) self.channels[self._channel_source_mapping.get(source_enum)] = source_enum def __str__(self): return "{0}".format(self.module_name) def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def module_name(self): return "Temperature" @property def data_signal(self): return libmetawear.mbl_mw_multi_chnl_temp_get_temperature_data_signal( self.board, self._active_channel)
[docs] def configure_external_thermistor(self, channel_id, data_pin, pulldown_pin, active_high): """Configure the external thermistor. :param channel_id: Channel ID of the external thermistor :param int data_pin: GPIO pin reading the data :param int pulldown_pin: GPIO pin the pulldown resistor is connected to :param int active_high: Zero if the pulldown pin is not active high, non-zero if active high """ libmetawear.mbl_mw_multi_chnl_temp_configure_ext_thermistor( self.board, channel_id, data_pin, pulldown_pin, active_high)
[docs] def get_possible_settings(self): """Get the possible settings for this module. :return: Dict with the names of the possible channel choices. """ return { 'channel': [c for c in sorted( self.channels.keys(), key=lambda x: self.channels[x])], }
[docs] def get_current_settings(self): """Get the current settings for this module. :return: Dict with the name of the currently active channel. """ return { 'channel': _CHANNEL_ID_TO_SOURCE_NAME.get(self._active_channel) }
[docs] def set_settings(self, channel=None): """Set temperature channel settings. .. code-block:: python mwclient.temperature.set_settings(channel='On-Die') Call :meth:`~get_possible_settings` to see which values that can be set for this sensor. :param str channel: The name of the temperature channel to make active. """ if channel is not None: if channel in self.channels: self._active_channel = self._reverse_channel_source_mapping.get(channel) else: warnings.warn("Desired channel {0} was not one of the possible ones: {1}.".format( channel, self.get_possible_settings().get('channel')))
[docs] def read_temperature(self): """Triggers a temperature notification. N.B. that a :meth:`~notifications` call that registers a callback for temperature should have been done prior to calling this method. """ if self.callback is None: warnings.warn("No temperature callback is registered!", RuntimeWarning) libmetawear.mbl_mw_datasignal_read(self.data_signal)
[docs] def notifications(self, callback=None): """Subscribe or unsubscribe to temperature notifications. Convenience method for handling temperature usage. Example: .. code-block:: python def temperature_callback(data): # Handle dictionary with [epoch, value] keys. epoch = data["epoch"] xyz = data["value"] print(str(data)) mwclient.temperature_func.notifications(temperature_callback) :param callable callback: Temperature notification callback function. If `None`, unsubscription to temperature_func notifications is registered. """ super(TemperatureModule, self).notifications( data_handler(callback) if callback is not None else None)