MetaWear Client

The MetaWear client provided by this package. It can be used as such:

from pymetawear.client import MetaWearClient
c = MetaWearClient('DD:3A:7D:4D:56:F0')

The client can now be used for either reading the current module data or activating some functionality in it.


Main module for PyMetaWear

Created on 2016-03-30

class pymetawear.client.MetaWearClient(address, device='hci0', connect=True, debug=False)[source]

A MetaWear communication client.

This client bridges the gap between the MetaWear C++ API and a GATT communication package in Python. It provides Pythonic interface to using the MetaWear boards, allowing for rapid development and testing.

  • address (str) – A Bluetooth MAC address to a MetaWear board.
  • device (str) – Specifying which Bluetooth device to use. Defaults to hci0 on Linux. Not available on Windows.
  • connect (bool) – If client should connect automatically, or wait for explicit connect() call. Default is True.
  • debug (bool) – If printout of all sent and received data should be done.

Connect this client to the MetaWear device.


Disconnects this client from the MetaWear device.