.. _modules_settings: Settings module =============== Battery submodule ----------------- The PyMetaWear implementation of the ``libmetawear`` switch module. It is initialized at the creation of the :py:class:`~MetaWearClient` client and can then be accessed in the ``settings`` attribute of the client. Example usage: .. code-block:: python from pymetawear.client import MetaWearClient c = MetaWearClient('DD:3A:7D:4D:56:F0') def battery_callback(data): """Handle a battery status tuple.""" print("Voltage: {0}, Charge: {1}".format( data[0], data[1])) # Enable notifications and register a callback for them. mwclient.settings.notifications(battery_callback) # Trigger battery status notification. mwclient.settings.read_battery_state() API ~~~ .. automodule:: pymetawear.modules.settings :members: