.. _modules_led: LED module ========== The PyMetaWear implementation of the ``libmetawear`` LED module. It is initialized at the creation of the :py:class:`~MetaWearClient` client and can then be accessed in the ``led`` attribute of the client. .. note:: The API in the LED module is under rewriting, so expect changes to be made to it in future releases. Example usage: .. code-block:: python from pymetawear.client import MetaWearClient c = MetaWearClient('DD:3A:7D:4D:56:F0') # Blinking 10 times with green LED. pattern = c.led.load_preset_pattern('blink', repeat_count=10) c.led.write_pattern(pattern, 'g') c.led.play() API --- .. automodule:: pymetawear.modules.led :members: