Discovering addresses to MetaWear boards ======================================== If you do not know the address of your MetaWear board, it can be found by performing a scan. .. code-block:: python >>> from pymetawear.client import discover_devices >>> discover_devices() [(u'DD:3A:7D:4D:56:F0', u'MetaWear'), (u'FF:50:35:82:3B:5A', u'MetaWear')] On Linux, the :func:`~discover_devices` function uses the ``hcitool`` application, provided by the `BlueZ `_ bluetooth application. See docstring below for more details about privileges using ``hcitool`` from Python. One can run the :func:`~discover_devices_warble` to use the ``PyWarble`` methods, but it requires sudo privileges on Linux. There is a convenience method named :func:`~select_device` as well, which displays a list of devices to choose from. API --- .. automodule:: :members: